BRK Bayreuth district association visits partner organizations in China

Delegation trip to Beijing

At the invitation of the Business Development Center (BDC) of the National Red Cross Society of China, a delegation from the BRK district association in Bayreuth undertook a one-week trip to Beijing. The district manager Markus Ruckdeschel and the representative for international recruiting, Ms. Chen Chen, represented the BRK-Kreisverband Bayreuth at this international meeting. The trip focused on comprehensive insights into Chinese health and care facilities.

Visit to care facilities in Beijing

The trip began with visits to two long-term care facilities run by the Chinese Red Cross: the Sijing Homes for the Elderly and the Haidan Yaoyang Pension Service Center. Both facilities impressed with their modern equipment and the high technological standard of their care services. For the representatives of the Bayreuth BRK, the Chinese Red Cross franchise system of the “Yaoyang” brand, which offers inpatient facilities, outpatient care services, home emergency call systems and meals on wheels nationwide, was also noteworthy.

Official dates and professional exchange

In addition to the tours, numerous official appointments took place. The delegation met representatives from Capital Medical University – School of Nursing, Beijing Health Vocational College (BHVC), Chaoyang Community College Beijing (Amity Way) and Dalian Medical University, Institute of Nursing and Elderly Care. These meetings enabled an intensive exchange of ideas and methods in the field of geriatric care.

Vier Personen bei einer Geschenkübergabe
Gruppenfoto im
Gruppenfoto vor dem Eingang einer Einrichtung
Gruppenfoto vor Bildschirm
Gruppenfoto mit Kreisgeschäftsführer des BRK-Kreisverbandes Bayreuth, Markus Ruckdeschel, und die Beauftragte des BRK-Kreisverbandes Bayreuth für internationale Recruiting-Maßnahmen, Chen Chen, zu Besuch bei der Capital Medical University in Peking
Gruppenfoto mit Kreisgeschäftsführer des BRK-Kreisverbandes Bayreuth, Markus Ruckdeschel, und die Beauftragte des BRK-Kreisverbandes Bayreuth für internationale Recruiting-Maßnahmen, Chen Chen, zu Besuch bei Beijing Health Vocational College
Gruppenfoto mit Kreisgeschäftsführer des BRK-Kreisverbandes Bayreuth, Markus Ruckdeschel, und die Beauftragte des BRK-Kreisverbandes Bayreuth für internationale Recruiting-Maßnahmen, Chen Chen, zu Besuch bei Beijing Health Vocational College

Future-oriented cooperations

A significant part of the discussions revolved around the exchange and adaptation of joint training programs. Dalian University, whose representatives had already visited the Red Cross in Bayreuth in 2019, showed great interest in an exchange and mutual shadowing of teachers, as well as adapting the curricula.

These targeted measures should enable graduates of the Chinese university to obtain recognition as qualified nursing staff in Germany more quickly in future.

This delegation trip represented an important step towards deepening international cooperation in the care sector and laid the foundation for future cooperation within the framework of the “Care and Career” project between the BRK Bayreuth district association and its Chinese partners.