Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions, often abbreviated as FAQs, are a compilation of answers to the most frequently asked questions on a specific topic. They serve to provide users with quick information and solutions and reduce repeated requests. FAQs are widely used in many areas such as customer service, technology and online platforms.


The BRK Kreisverband Bayreuth (https://www.brk-bayreuth.de/) not only offers first-class facilities, but also a state-recognized school (https://www.brk-schulen.de/) for the three-year training course for nursing staff and for the one-year specialist assistant training course. In our hostel we offer our employees and students a place to stay, especially for beginners. This means that working, learning and living are combined in one complex. This is particularly helpful for our international employees and trainees at the beginning of their work or training.

A minimum level of B1 is essential. Certificates from institutions such as the Goethe-Institut, Telc or ÖSD are common.

Our competence center offers various further and advanced training opportunities, including practical instruction, geriatric psychiatric nursing specialist, nursing service management and others.

Nursing specialist three-year training

If you have already obtained a BI certificate in your home country and are completing your training with us, we offer BII courses before and during your training.

You need either a training visa or a combined visa, i.e. a visa for a language course and training.

If you have a student visa or a visa for BFD or FSJ, you can have this converted into a training visa.

In this case, a visa change is required again, namely from a training visa to a work visa. If you would like to work with us after your training, we will support you.

During the apprenticeship, we also offer the opportunity to complete a degree course alongside the apprenticeship. This means that after completing your training, you will not only graduate as a state-recognized nursing specialist, but also with a Bachelor’s degree and a qualification as a practical instructor.

Nursing assistant One-year training

Yes, you can work directly for us as a nursing assistant. We will support you with your visa change.

Yes, this is of course possible. If your performance is assessed as good by the school management, the training period could even be shortened to two years.

For international nursing professionals

You should either have completed training as a state-certified geriatric nurse or healthcare and nursing assistant or have completed training abroad with a certificate of recognition from the Bavarian State Office for Nursing (LfP).

Depending on the recognition notice from the LfP, adaptation measures are offered.

During this time, you will work as a nursing assistant in our facility. You are free to take the time required for the adaptation measures.

At the end of the recognition test, you must have reached language level BII. We take care of the language course, which is of course free of charge for you.

You need a visa for qualification measures for the recognition period. If you pass the knowledge test and are recognized as a nursing specialist, you will need a work visa. We are happy to support you.

Questions still open?

If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.